Friday 28 March 2025
The Philosophy Department (new in 2023!) welcomes all students with an interest in logic, ethics, and other topics in philosophy. We offer a B.A. and Minor in Philosophy as well as a B.S. and Minor in Science, Technology, and Ethics (starting Fall 2025). All UC Merced students are welcome to join our courses and events. Philosophy majors are known to have high salaries, varied employment opportunities, and valuable skills, but philosophy also helps you to think critically and to see the world in a different way. As one of our majors put it: "My philosophy experience has meant liberation. Visceral liberation. It has forcefully pulled me up from the muck of the prescribed, into the airs of self-aware agency, responsibility, and freedom, imbued with the confidence to doubt.” If you have any questions about philosophy at UC Merced, you can contact:
"The median philosophy major can expect to earn a salary of more than $80,000...higher than that earned by business management or chemistry" --Big Think
"Philosophy students learn to examine even basic assumptions about the world, stripping away old frameworks" --Built In
"Outside of money and ROI, philosophy can give students an answer to the ever loaded question, 'What do I want to do with my life?'" --Forbes
"Almost anyone engaged with global issues of human well-being, the distribution of resources, or the future of society is doing moral philosophy." --MIT News